is a shōjo manga written by Haruka Fukushima, and published by Kodansha. ''Kedamono Damono'' was serialized in the Japanese magazine Nakayoshi. All three volumes have been released in the US by TOKYOPOP. The book revolves around the relationship between a boy and a girl, but a twist in the plot changes the feel of the manga. The male protagonist, named Haruki Sugimoto, is forced by urges to change genders at night. While his alter-ego takes over, the urges to flirt with the main character, Konatsu, completely take over even as he is a girl. == Plot == What happens when a girl has a crush on her senpai and instead meets a raunchy girl at night? Konatsu Narumiya is about to find out. Over the summer she went with the boys basket ball team to a training camp. She had a crush on the leader of the basket ball, but instead was sent to chase after Haruki Sugimoto a boy against the idea. Well, while she's changing that night she meets a girl claiming to BE Haruki. That same day Konatsu figured out Haruki Sugimoto is cursed. A junior high boy by day, he's a super raunchy girl by night! This series is explained through several volumes all of which show the over coming of obstacles for the relationship that's been made! well, let's just let you find out what happens! 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Kedamono Damono」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク